Quesadilla Italian Style


Quesadilla’s have always been a favorite of mine. Especially when it comes to quick and easy. I’ve had some great ‘dillas in the past and some absolute awful ones. I’m going to show you another idea for a quesadilla and not only will your friends love them, so will the kids!

One day as I was shopping out my local grocery store, I came across some tortillas that were placed in the bakery section. These SoftWraps are very large, around 12″ in diameter. So you’ll need a big skillet! These you see here are Tomato & Basil perfect for an Italian inspired quesadilla.

The LaTortilla Factory offers these healthy, low fat, high fiber wraps, but they seem to be a bit high in sodium at around 360mg. If you are dieting and watching your sodium, which you should be doing regardless…take this into consideration.

Now lets get to the kitchen!

Heat up your skillet to a medium heat at around a 4-6 setting on an electric stove top. Depending on your temp, do not get it too hot. As you’ll be preparing quickly. I do like these tortilla’s as they do not crisp up so fast, giving you time to add your ingredients and fold over without becoming brittle.

Add some olive oil into the skillet. I use a garlic olive oil for that extra flavor. Basil olive oil is another one I love to use. Heat the oil up and place your tortilla in the skillet. Add your favorite cheese, in this case I used a mozzarella. Depending on how much cheese you want it up to you. Since I was preparing these for my boys, I knew not to get over zealous with the cheese, but do pile on the pepperoni’s! I use a lean pepperoni already pre-cooked and sliced. Before adding them, I seasoned with basil, oregano, red crush pepper and garlic powders. If I was making these for myself, I would have used fresh herbs instead of the dried. Both taste great either way!

Cover the top of your cheese with a generous portion on pepperoni’s. Add a bit more cheese to the top of the ‘roni’s and fold the other half of the tortilla over. Let is sit for a about 30 seconds getting the cheese to melt. I season the top with more basil and a dusting of garlic powder. Using a large spatula, turn your quesadilla over to crisp up the top side a bit. These tortilla’s as I said before are very plyable so they do not stiffen up like your regular ones. Add a bit of basil, oregano to this side and now place it on your plate. Using a large kitchen knife, cut your quesadilla in three angles…just like the restaurants do!

Serve with a nice marinara sauce or pesto. My kids, well they eat them without sauce. The Italian Quesdilla is far more healthier than a frozen pizza or a one pound P’Zone from Pizza Hut. Less salty too!

My Italian Quesadilla makes a quick meal for anyone! Perfect for parties as an appetizer!

Remember, have fun in YOUR kitchen. It brings family together and at the same time you save a few bucks…and the conversation isn’t too bad either.


One Comment Add yours

  1. foodcreate says:

    Amazing Quesedillas Looks so delicious!!! Perfect for My Sundays Brunch, I will give it a try ! Thank You !!! For adding foodcreate to your blog I will do the same , Thanks for sharing your delicious Quesedillas:)Welcome~~~ http://foodcreate.com :>Join Mouthly Newsletter / Cents.Off Coupons Have a Terrific Day ~http://foodcreate.com

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